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Number of relevant news: 8

Study confirms HPV genotypes responsible for majority of cervical cancers worldwide

cervical cancers is needed, particularly in developing countries where 80% of cases occur. Read the whole article at...

First global analysis of breast and cervical cancer estimates 2 million new cases worldwide

425 000 new cases of cervical cancer occurred in developing countries. One of the most surprising findings was the sharp rise in women of... cancer, cervical cancer, incidence, mortality, developing countries, screening...

One in six worldwide cancers down to 'largely preventable or treatable' infection

but this figure was three times higher in developing countries. The figures also varied widely from region to region, from 3.3 per cent in...

1.5 million premature cancer deaths could be prevented per year if targets set to reduce NCDs are met by 2025

all ages and socio-economic groups, with developing countries bearing a disproportionate burden Myth: Cancer is a Death sentence Truth:...

IARC warns 'cancer burden growing at an alarming pace'

a consequence of growing and ageing populations, developing countries are disproportionately affected by the increasing numbers of cancers. More...

Cervical cancer, a common cause of death in countries where no screening programmes are available

worldwide trends show that in developing countries going through rapid societal and economic changes, the shift towards...

New WHO guide to prevent and control cervical cancer

270 000 deaths annually, 85% of which occur in developing countries... During the same time, however, rates in most developing countries have risen or remain unchanged, often due to limited access to health...

Rapid scale-up of HPV vaccine and screening could prevent up to 13 million cases of cervical cancer by 2050

cancer incidence data over time, particularly in developing countries. They also note that the model assumed lifetime duration of vaccine...